S. No.TitleCurrent Stage of the TechnologyPatent InformationCost InformationVideoOther InformationDownload
[ I ] Innovative Technologies
A. 1.1 Water less urinals (URIMAT) PDF
A. 1.2 Fluidized Media Reactor for LWM PDF
A. 1.3 Textile Reinforced Concrete Modular Toilet (ATIRA) PDF
A. 1.4 Plastic - Tar Road (TCE) PDF
A. 1.5 Pre Assimilated Technology (PAT)(Quash) PDF
A. 1.6 Soil Bio Technology (SBT) (IIT Bombay) PDF
A. 1.7 Phytorid Technology (NEERI) PDF
A. 1.8 Anaerobic Biodigestor Toilet ( DRDO ) PDF
A. 1.9 Aerobic Biodigestor Toilet PDF
A. 1.10 SATO™ Water-Saving Sealing System for Toilets.(EOI-S- 64) PDF
A. 1.11 Sewage CARE Anaerobic septic tank treatment for fast decay of fecal matter(EOI-S- 68) PDF
A. 1.12 Bioclean BD anaerobic facultative microbial cultures.(EOI-S- 53) PDF
A. 1.13 Evapotranspiration toilet(EOI-S- 67) PDF
A. 1.14 naturesani - Waterless, Odourless and Hygienic Urinal Commode(EOI-S- 70) PDF
[ II ] Existing / Proven Technologies
A. 2.1 RBC Technology (Rotating Biological Contactor) PDF
A. 2.2 Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) Technology for Sewage Treatment PDF
A. 2.3 Membrane Bio reactor (MBR) Reactor for wastewater PDF
A. 2.4 Moving Bed Bio-film Reactor (MBBR) Technology for wastewater PDF
A. 2.5 Biogas Technology (KVIC & Deenbandhu Model) PDF
A. 2.6 FRP Toilet Super Structure PDF
A. 2.7 DRY TOILET Prototype In Progress
Patent filed : No
Patent granted : No
Cost Per Unit : 1000.00
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Patent filed : No
Patent granted : No
Cost Per Unit : 15000.00
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A. 2.9 Promotion of Home Composting in small towns as an Individual Environmental Responsibility Technology Commercialized/ Implemented
Patent filed : No
Patent granted : No
Cost Per Unit : 6000.00
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A. 2.10 Technological Innovation for Ensuring 24 x 7 availability of Sanitary Napkins Through AUTOMATED SANITARY NAPKIN VENDING MACHINE Technology Commercialized/ Implemented
Patent filed : No
Patent granted : No
Cost Per Unit : 14823.00
-- Click here PDF
A. 2.11 Disposal of Used Sanitary Napkins through User friendly Sanitary Napkin Incinerators Technology Commercialized/ Implemented
Patent filed : No
Patent granted : No
Cost Per Unit : 19833.00
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A. 2.12 ECOPOT GARBAGE GARDEN Technology Commercialized/ Implemented
Patent filed : Patent Application Number 1594/CHE/2014
Patent granted : No
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rS-CUEozkI Click here PDF
A. 2.13 Pre Febricated Toilet Structure Technology Ready
Patent filed : No
Patent granted : No
Cost Per Unit : 7000.00
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A. 2.14 Incorporation of Plastic Squatting Plate in the Total Sanitation guidelines Technology Ready
Patent filed : No
Patent granted : No
Cost Per Unit : 1120.00
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A. 2.15 Prefabricated Sanitation Units Technology Commercialized/ Implemented
Patent filed : No
Patent granted : No
Cost Per Unit : 14000.00
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A. 2.16 Low Cost Prefabricated Sanitation Unit Technology Commercialized/ Implemented
Patent filed : No
Patent granted : No
Cost Per Unit : 14000.00
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A. 2.17 Package Sewage Treatment Plant. Technology Commercialized/ Implemented
Patent filed : No
Patent granted : No
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A. 2.18 Decentralised Wastewater Treatment System (DEWATS) Technology Commercialized/ Implemented
Patent filed : No
Patent granted : No
Cost Per Unit : 550000.00
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=zTqE-8j9Unw Click here PDF
A. 2.19 Low Cost Toilet Designs Technology Ready
Patent filed : No
Patent granted : No
Cost Per Unit : 12775.00
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A. 2.20 Economical bio toilet Prototype In Progress
Patent filed : Patent Application Number 19612
Patent granted : No
Cost Per Unit : 18000.00
-- Click here PDF
A. 2.21 PPP business model with viablity gap funding from private player Technology Ready
Patent filed : Patent Application Number 3015 / MUM/2014
Patent granted : No
Cost Per Unit : 55000.00
-- Click here PDF


S.No.Reference NoCategoryCompany NameBrief DescriptionOptionsUploaded DateDownload
1 Fecal Sludge and Septage Management.
B. 1 S-000047 Sanitation PriMove Infrastructure Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd. The Tiger Bio Filter Technology for Faecal Sludge and Septage Management is a sustainable and environmental friendly faecal sludge treatment technology. The Tiger Bio filter is a vermifilter-based faecal sludge treatment technology. It is a novel and unique faecal sludge treatment system which utilizes specially bred earthworms and microorganisms for consuming faecal sludge and converting it to compost. The earth worms used in the bio media filter unit are a species capable of compositing waste. Trapped sludge matter is consumed by earth worms as an energy source for metabolism and reproduction. The worms typically consume the sludge organic load in 24 hours and making bed available for next loading. This system is optimizing for most efficient earthworm activities. The process is entirely natural and requires no power or chemicals to be added. This makes the technology very economical to install and operate. Treated faecal sludge is directly converted to vermicompost without the need to handle unsafe sludge. The effluent from the Bio filter can be used for irrigation. Optionally, with added treatment such as sand and activated carbon filtration and disinfection, the effluent can be used for flushing and washing. 4 07/06/2021 12:50PM PDF
B. 2 S-000051 Sanitation Avyan Pashupathy Capital Advisors Private Limited The P-OP technology contains following components: Septage Receiving Station (SRS): The septage from desludging truck is unloaded into septage receiving station. SRS consist of screening and. In this step floatable materials and grit are separated from the septage. The septage flows to the storage tank. Storage tank: The septage storage equipped with submersible pumps and agitators. From the storage tank, it is sent to dewatering unit through pump. Dewatering of septage: Next step includes the dewatering the septage in order to bring down the moisture content of the septage to about 80%. Dewatering in its simplest definition is the separation of solids and liquids in septage. The solids are sent to dryer and filtrate is sent to the wastewater treatment plant. Wastewater treatment plant (WWTP): Filtrate from the dewatering unit is treated using moving bed bio reactor (MBBR) technology followed by the pressure sand filtration (PSF) and activated carbon filtration (ACF) and UV disinfection. This treated water is further used for reuse purposes including gardening, agricultural irrigation, etc. Dryer: The sludge (dewatered solids) is further passed through a mechanical sludge dryer where the moisture reduction is achieved from 80% to 35% using the thermal energy generated by pyrolyser. Pyrolysis: Pyrolysis of the sludge comprising of 60-65% solids to biochar is conducted in controlled oxygen conditions at around 650 degree Celsius. This is done to retain the carbon in the output and limit CO2. The system will produce an output of biochar depending on input septage characteristics. The flue gases generated in the process are passed through heat exchanger and the thermal energy is reused for the sludge drying process. 1 26/11/2021 4:21PM PDF
B. 3 S-000059 Sanitation Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Institute (WASH Institute) The MTU is a faecal sludge treatment technology, mounted on a small truck, which can empty and treat the contents of a septic tank on-site and discharge clean treated wastewater meeting CPCB standards. The MTU undertakes solid-liquid separation, sludge thickening, and effluent treatment. Once solids are separated the liquid is passed through the treatment process and discharged in gardens, fields, or open drains near the households. Solids are retained on the vehicle for safe disposal at the end of the day. Thickened sludge can be disposed in a small trench or composted along with organic waste. 1 13/07/2022 5:58PM PDF
2 Sewage Treatment and Waste Water Treatment.
B. 4 S-000017 Sanitation Shrishti Eco-Research Institute Soil scape process is an ecotechnological treatment involving the filtration of wastewater through the biologically activated soil filtration medium supported by sand and gravel. It harnesses the ecological principles of biodegradation, biotransformation and bioconversion at various tropic levels occurring in detritus food chain by treating, transforming and detoxifying the pollutants using solar energy. The bio-fertilizer and treated water are the products of this process. It effectively treats the gray and black domestic wastewater as well as industrial wastewater. Soil scape process is developed through the rigorous activity of soil organisms like bacteria, actinomycetes, fungi, protozoa’s, earthworms, nematodes, arthropods, mollusks etc. This soil environment is influenced by the growth of algae and macrophytes. In Soil scape filter combination of green plants and bacterial culture is used to remove organic matter and pollution. Soil scape filtration is vertical ecofiltration system for wastewater through the layers of bio-active (i.e. biologically activated) soil - ORGANOTREAT® - developed from non-toxic and non-hazardous wastes and fragmented rock materials. As the wastewater passes through the layers of biologically activated filtration medium the pollutants are absorbed and degraded. This biodegradation process releases nutrients in simple forms which can be absorbed by plant for their growth. So there is no production of any kind of sludge in this treatment system. 2 12/08/2019 1:10PM PDF
B. 5 S-000033 Sanitation Daiki-Axis India Pvt. Ltd Jhokasou STP Technology is designed in Japan and have following treatment process:- (1) SEDIMENTATION AND SEPERATION CHAMBER: Sedimentation and separation chamber collects domestic waste water. It also has function to separate solid wastes from liquid waste based on their gravity. (2)ANAEROBIC CONTACT MEDIA CHAMBER: Waste water then flows into anaerobic media contact chamber from sedimentation and separation chamber. It contains organic material which is decomposed by anaerobic microorganism. On the other hand, nitrite and nitrate contained in the circulated water are converted into N2 gas by de-nitrification microorganisms. (3)MOVING BED CHAMBER (AEROBIC): Anaerobic process treatment water flows into moving bed chamber. Organic material contained waste water is decomposed by aerobic microorganism, and becomes simpler product. In this case the organic waste material is used for development of new cells (protoplasm) and converted to other materials such as carbon dioxide, water, and ammonia. Results of aerobic biological processes will also produce sludge which is suspended from treated water. (4)SEDIMENTATION CHAMBER: Sedimentation chamber has function as place of settled sludge which is resulted by biological processes in moving bed chamber. Settled sludge will be transferred to sedimentation and separation chamber. (5) DISINFECTANT CHAMBER: Disinfectant chamber serves as a place to put chlorine / disinfectant as a sterilization agent pathogenic microorganisms in the waste processed before discharged into the environment. 2 18/02/2020 3:46PM PDF
B. 6 S-000041 Sanitation Nixie Engineers Pvt Ltd "FBTec" Developed in Singapore in accordance to the UN guidelines of De-centralized wastewater treatment,the technology uses a fixed media and is modular in nature so that the capacity can be enhanced without touching the existing unit. All three zones of aerabic, annearobic and anoxic are formed within the same tank. No maintenance or media replacement is needed for the entire lifespan. Wastewater recycle at source is achieved with this technology eliminating the need of sewage transfer to another location and re-transfer treated water to the user. An installation on a public toilet at Sangamner reusing self water for its flushing saving water and improving sanitation is one of the good examples of it. The plant is movable and can be shipped to another place with ease. 4 28/07/2020 1:41PM PDF
B. 7 S-000046 Sanitation GRACE GREEN INFRA PRIVATE LIMITED -Vermi-filtration or Bio-Filter System is High efficiency and multi filter medium which include worms, specially developed microbes, organic & in-organic media. -Raw sewage pumped from the collection tank is allowed to pass through screen to remove/separate the macro particles present in the effluent. -Raw sewage is distributed evenly over the surface of filter medium, by sprinklers. As the waste water slowly percolates down, naturally occurring microbes degrade the solids and organic matter, reduce coli from bacteria, and nitrify ammonium, producing clear and odorless water. -Earthworm acts as media to host millions of micro-organisms, which help in rapid degradation of the organic matter present in the wastewater. -Further Filtration through different layer of pebbles and media supports in removal of traces of suspended solids in the water. -Ozone Disinfection is the followed for e-coli, color and odor removal making it chemical free system • Innovative Green Process • Works on principle of Vermi-filtration • Eliminates Bacteria • No chemicals used • Odor free • 100% Recovery • Capacities from 2 KLD to 2MLD • NO SLUDGE generation • Very LOW POWER requirement (solar option available) • Can be operated by un-skilled person • Extremely low operating cost, • Low civil cost • Recovered water suitable for: Re-use in Toilets/ • Groundwater Recharging,/ Horticulture. 3 03/03/2021 5:43PM PDF
B. 8 S-000053 Sanitation Organic Solutions Highly Efficient and Green sewage treatment system based on the natural principles of constructed wetland, vermifiltration and probiotic fermentation. Advanced Eco Reactor (AER) is a viable green native to conventional wastewater treatment and does not require skilled manpower for operation and has significantly lower power consumption as compared to conventional STPs. It is an environment friendly and sustainable option which delivers reusable treated water without any daily/weekly/monthly sludge handling. Harnessing Nature’s Genius in treating waste water, AER is a natural solution that engages microbes, earthworms, and plant rhizosphere to achieve cost effective sustainability without generating any daily sludge, noise or widespread odor.The STP is developed as a human centric biophilic structure and integrates well with the landscape. Capable of processing 1000 litres per day to millions of litres per day, AER - nature based STPs use up to 70-80% less energy than conventional systems to deliver treated water which meets latest CPCB/NGT for reuse. The systems also generate worm castings which is a 100% organic manure and can be utilised as a nutritious and valuable soil amendment. AER systems can be designed as a civil unit or a modular prefabricated unit based on the site requirements. Skid Mounted plug and play systems can be setup in remote areas, drought prone areas, labor camps etc. Process Deion: Raw Sewage is first collected in an equalization tank from where it is pumped into the fermentative reactor where probiotic culture is added to reduce the sludge bulking and for hydrolysis of VSS. Hybrid reactors housing different bio-sorption and adsorption media are constructed. Reactors with horizontal sub-surface and vertical flows are constructed sequentially and as per design requirement.The rapid process is naturally aerobic, and the water moves and percolates down the various layers of the reactors by gravity. AER reactor is inoculated with an industry specific mix of worms, microbes and enzymes along with a biomass and mineral based media to achieve maximum removal efficiencies. Wetland and Water loving plants are also planted in the reactor to create a complex root zone in the reactor to provide surface area for the biomass and also for uptake of nutrients. Disinfection (if required) is done by chlorination, ozonation or UV as per the site requirement. Salient Features : 1. Chemical Free 2. Innovative Green System 3. Odor Free 4. No Daily Sludge Handling 5. Very Low Power Requirement (Solar power can be used) 6. Low operating costs 7. No Blowers 8. Water can be reused for flushing/horticulture/pond rejuvenation/ground water recharge/construction etc 9. The STP looks like a garden and melts into the existing space 10. STP can be developed as as asset instead of a liability. For example our Khentawas village project STP has been developed as a recreational zone for the villagers. 4 21/01/2022 10:20PM PDF


[ I ] Technology Options for household on-site sanitation

S.No Technologies Download
C. 1.1 Two pit water Seal toilet PDF
C. 1.2 Model for High Water Table PDF
C. 1.3 Ecosan Toilet PDF
C. 1.4 Biogas Toilet PDF
C. 1.5 Septic Tank Toilet PDF
C. 1.6 Toilet for physically handicapped and old age people PDF
C. 1.7 Superstructures for household toilets affordable for different economic groups of people PDF

[ II ] Technological Options for Solid and Liquid Waste Management in Rural Areas

S.No Technologies Download
C. 2.1 Septic tanks PDF
C. 2.2 Bio-tank System PDF
C. 2.3 Package type anerobic filter system PDF
C. 2.4 Package contact aeration system PDF
C. 2.5 Package anerobic filter contact aeration system PDF
C. 2.6 On site waste water disposal system ( soakage pit) PDF
C. 2.7 Waste Stabilisation Ponds Technology PDF
C. 2.8 Duckweed pond system PDF
C. 2.9 Constructed Wetland PDF
C. 2.10 Phytorid Technology for Sewage Treatment PDF
C. 2.11 Soil Bio Technology (SBT) for Sewage Treatment PDF
C. 2.12 Anerobic Baffled Reactor (ABR) PDF
C. 2.13 Up flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) Reactor PDF
C. 2.14 Setting Contact Aeration System PDF
C. 2.15 Extended Aeration PDF
C. 2.16 Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) Process PDF

[ III ] Solid Waste Management in rural areas

S.No Technologies Download
C. 3.1 NADP Composting PDF
C. 3.2 Bangalore Method of Composting PDF
C. 3.3 Indore Method of Composting PDF
C. 3.4 Vermi Composting PDF
C. 3.5 Rotary Drum Composting PDF
C. 3.6 Biogas Technology PDF


Report Printed On 15-March-2025 07:38:49