Innovative technologies for water & sanitation services
  • Technologies Deployed (Water)
  • Technologies Deployed (Sanitation)
Approved innovative technologies
Approved innovative technologies
Get your technology, solution and products evaluated Related to water sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services to solve issues related to water and sanitation sector in rural areas:

Water and sanitation services in the country are undergoing a transformation. The Jal Jeevan Mission was launched on 15th August, 2019 by Hon’ble Prime Minister to provide potable piped water supply to all rural households and schools, anganwadi centres, ashramshalas, public health centres, community centres including health and wellness centres, gram panchayat offices, etc. in villages by 2024. Together with the ongoing SBM (Rural) 2.0 that focuses on solid and liquid waste management, the water and sanitation sector is being geared to meet new benchmarks and standards of service delivery to the citizens in the country. The rural drinking water and sanitation service is a complex subject with various social, environmental and technical challenges. A ‘Technical Committee’ is set up by department of drinking water and sanitation for examination of innovation/ technology/ product / solution etc. for geo-genic and anthropogenic water quality issues, long-term potable water supply in harsh edapho-climatic conditions and disaster-prone areas, measurement and monitoring of water service delivery, cost-effective grey water treatment and reuse, solid and liquid waste management, sustainable sanitation, etc. Please register yourself and submit your application here…