Jal Jeevan Mission is being implemented in partnership with States, to enable every household in villages to have functional household tap connection by 2024. The rural drinking water supply is a complex subject with various social, environmental
and technical challenges like geo-genic and anthropogenic water quality issues, long-termpotable water supply in harsh edapho-climatic conditions and disaster-prone areas, measurement andmonitoring of water service delivery, behaviour
change management, cost-effective greywatertreatment and reuse etc. Thus, given the challenges and the knowledge gaps being faced while implementing Jal jeevan Mission with speed and scale along with the future of rural water security
there is pressing need for significant research and innovation in the water supply sector. Now, more than ever, National Jal Jeevan Mission will be supporting, promoting and cultivating research and innovation to solve the issue faced
by water supply sector in rural areas.