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Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation
Ministry of Jal Shakti (GOI)
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JJM Benchmark – Status of Scheme Planning and Costs
Format PM3
S.No. State/ UT Number of HHs HHs with FHTC as on 15.08.2019 Scheme planned under JJM Scheme planned (Other than JJM) Private connection Remaining HHs to be planned
Total SVS MVS SVS planned (Other than JJM) MVS planned (Other than JJM)
Number of schemes HHs Planned Est. Cost approved by DWSM/SLSSC
( Rs. in lakhs)
Number of SVS HHs planned Est. Cost approved by DWSM/SLSSC
( Rs. in lakhs)
Number of MVS HHs planned Est. Cost approved by DWSM/SLSSC
( Rs. in lakhs)
Number of SVS HHs planned Est. Cost
( Rs. in lakhs)
Number of MVS HHs planned Est. Cost
( Rs. in lakhs)
1 2 3 4 5=[8+11] 6=[9+12] 7=[10+13] 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Total 193688205 32362838 631340 128293940 80165283.54 575419 66978073 27675133.44 55921 61315867 52490150.10 105230 15743047 1778887.10 11383 17050306 10081573.71 7779818 -7536166
1 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 62037 28547 40 3241 1459.00 36 2006 932.00 4 1235 527.00 159 21054 3.00 35 8932 3.00 263 0
2 Andhra Pradesh 9553169 3074310 77916 6407730 2701388.91 71787 5275613 1447190.21 6129 1132117 1254198.70 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 74427 -3298
3 Arunachal Pradesh 228566 22796 7177 190243 452029.46 6700 155647 356720.78 477 34596 95308.68 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 6 15521
4 Assam 7225389 111311 99840 6626612 3409083.00 96323 5396047 2872297.00 3517 1230565 536786.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 29712 457754
5 Bihar 16755041 316391 303 203908 82189.00 153 62867 25046.00 150 141041 57143.00 56656 10834774 834506.00 9311 6334407 1289687.00 39630 -974069
6 Chhattisgarh 5003522 319741 37099 4463942 2612041.13 37022 4463942 2131263.00 77 0 480778.13 1 135654 0.00 0 0 0.00 155003 -70818
7 Dadra & Nagar Haveli And Daman & Diu 85156 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 16348 68808
8 Goa 263922 199094 256 34298 12166.00 0 0 0.00 256 34298 12166.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 21972 8558
9 Gujarat 9118415 6516258 604 2602191 3207881.00 73 2602191 469232.00 531 0 2738649.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 17307 -17341
10 Haryana 3041314 1766363 6600 1132903 480737.17 6428 1022725 382093.42 172 110178 98643.75 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 142048 0
11 Himachal Pradesh 1708727 762721 1748 875669 639930.00 341 251943 27263.00 1407 623726 612667.00 0 0 0.00 211 68582 164520.26 1953 -198
12 Jammu & Kashmir 1923514 575466 3254 959237 1325923.00 1137 244805 403039.60 2117 714432 922883.40 290 98007 79518.41 294 219125 122141.43 15560 56119
13 Jharkhand 6255717 345165 98067 4825481 2436091.00 97770 2526160 807634.00 297 2299321 1628457.00 0 0 0.00 418 921520 780658.84 52138 111413
14 Karnataka 10132148 2451220 67409 7214098 7343441.00 67135 7214098 3081303.00 274 0 4262138.00 1 176888 0.00 0 0 0.00 296697 -6755
15 Kerala 7079554 1664091 1722 5339235 4020362.22 492 76733 15146.89 1230 5262502 4005215.33 0 0 0.00 22 66471 51972.00 19274 -9517
16 Ladakh 40671 1414 419 41237 166177.75 353 34927 135026.80 66 6310 31150.95 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 -1980
17 Lakshadweep 13370 0 15 13370 3909.00 15 13370 3909.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0
18 Madhya Pradesh 11188550 1353151 38085 9375606 7138845.59 37956 5872398 1903706.59 129 3503208 5235139.00 695 240540 45333.66 19 143073 133263.00 1106998 -1030818
19 Maharashtra 14680627 4843832 43386 7594035 5629489.50 41755 6093955 3568915.33 1631 1500080 2060574.17 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 2752008 -509248
20 Manipur 451619 25920 1190 161806 104330.90 969 110315 78824.61 221 51491 25506.29 1025 163946 79662.34 242 99894 70638.80 0 53
21 Meghalaya 650914 4550 7896 603048 665825.88 7122 285480 283786.19 774 317568 382039.69 118 14480 19511.24 52 29488 38951.93 0 -652
22 Mizoram 133060 9201 852 122159 140371.86 821 105759 116857.86 31 16400 23514.00 2 565 1094.71 1 252 459.61 885 -2
23 Nagaland 363781 13882 1408 322205 149637.44 1393 312044 143359.68 15 10161 6277.76 116 32939 4901.99 0 0 0.00 269 -5514
24 Odisha 8869536 310866 14420 5443348 3287851.20 14287 2400400 958270.60 133 3042948 2329580.60 2559 711826 329517.62 74 2388372 1545039.11 1944 13180
25 Puducherry 114969 93506 100 14915 3360.00 100 14915 3360.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 3218 3330
26 Punjab 3426808 1678558 2138 406202 239833.00 1355 224885 37931.00 783 181317 201902.00 965 146580 51492.13 0 0 0.00 1126668 68800
27 Rajasthan 10777074 1174131 12250 9131937 8811604.81 9410 2621517 1220030.77 2840 6510420 7591574.04 40 147042 1013.27 4 129709 87026.00 56337 143496
28 Sikkim 132827 70345 1791 61535 105317.35 1755 56106 80417.02 36 5429 24900.33 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 947
29 Tamil Nadu 12528183 2176071 18366 4539773 1822840.00 18265 2800369 249869.00 101 1739404 1572971.00 40487 2524426 166961.40 25 2235024 2365942.00 1414583 -361694
30 Telangana 5398219 1568301 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 1432 206592 43459.05 181 3623326 2579482.67 0 0
31 Tripura 750844 24502 17339 710198 514498.00 16268 624618 437270.54 1071 85580 77227.46 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 25735 -9591
32 Uttar Pradesh 26723623 516221 41650 29590334 15246493.00 20524 12786344 5066584.00 21126 16803990 10179909.00 353 226879 82066.90 96 128225 29497.52 133653 -3871689
33 Uttarakhand 1450635 130325 17211 1207981 820311.26 14344 796668 452884.04 2867 411313 367427.22 331 60855 39845.38 0 0 0.00 71190 -19716
34 West Bengal 17556704 214588 10789 18075463 6589865.11 3330 2529226 914969.51 7459 15546237 5674895.60 0 0 0.00 398 653906 822290.54 203992 -1591245
Total 193688205 32362838 631340 128293940 80165283.54 575419 66978073 27675133.44 55921 61315867 52490150.10 105230 15743047 1778887.10 11383 17050306 10081573.71 7779818 -7536166

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