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Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation
Ministry of Jal Shakti (GOI)
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Format J23- Status of tap connection and required rate to achieve Har Ghar Jal
S.No. State Total no. of households No. of household tap connections
(As on date)
Balance household tap connections Max no. of household tap connections provided by state in a single day No. of household tap connections provided yestreday Required no. of household tap connections per day Saturation year reported by state
In numbers In percentage (%)
1 Andhra Pradesh 9544631 7004272 2540359 26.62 6989072 0 16180 Dec, 2024
2 Bihar 16630250 16034628 595622 3.58 16034628 0 3793 Dec, 2024
3 Jammu & Kashmir 1871686 1443515 428171 22.88 1443515 0 2727 Dec, 2024
4 Ladakh 40808 37700 3108 7.62 37700 0 19 Dec, 2024
5 Lakshadweep 13370 10836 2534 18.95 10836 0 16 Dec, 2024
6 Maharashtra 14672395 12501423 2170972 14.80 12492989 0 13827 Dec, 2024
7 Sikkim 133147 117912 15235 11.44 117912 0 97 Dec, 2024
8 Tamil Nadu 12523757 10253804 2269953 18.13 10253804 0 14458 Dec, 2024
9 Kerala 7080382 3714329 3366053 47.54 3714329 143 21439 Dec, 2024
10 Manipur 451566 353075 98491 21.81 353075 19 627 Dec, 2024
11 Karnataka 10115118 7665884 2449234 24.21 7665884 654 15600 Dec, 2024
12 Chhattisgarh 5000155 3897049 1103106 22.06 3897049 354 7026 Dec, 2024
13 Odisha 8867762 6470907 2396855 27.03 6470264 1366 15266 Dec, 2024
14 Jharkhand 6219096 3228541 2990555 48.09 3227750 2597 19048 Dec, 2024
15 Madhya Pradesh 11187907 6869352 4318555 38.60 6869005 3986 27506 Dec, 2024
16 Nagaland 369204 317659 51545 13.96 317659 72 328 Dec, 2024
17 West Bengal 17509083 8166130 9342953 53.36 8166130 13961 59509 Dec, 2024
18 Rajasthan 10693028 5101547 5591481 52.29 5100556 8391 35614 Dec, 2024
19 Uttar Pradesh 26542127 21517802 5024325 18.93 21517654 15062 32002 Dec, 2024
20 Uttarakhand 1454338 1364622 89716 6.17 1364478 365 571 Dec, 2024
21 Assam 7141882 5489803 1652079 23.13 5489803 10331 10522 Dec, 2024
22 Meghalaya 651412 498538 152874 23.47 498538 1154 973 Dec, 2024
23 Tripura 748639 590719 157920 21.09 590719 2469 1005 Dec, 2024
Total 169461743 122650047 46811696 27.62 122623349 60924 298153