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JJM - Reports
Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation
Ministry of Jal Shakti (GOI)
Skip Navigation LinksHome > Format J-10 - No. of VWSC/ Pani Samiti/ Village Council and VAP prepared
No. of VWSC/ Pani Samiti/ Village Council and VAP prepared
State: All State
S.No. State Name Total Villages No. of VWSC/ Pani Samiti/ Village Council constituted No. of VWSC/ Pani Samiti/ Village Council Not Entered No. of VAP prepared No. of VAP Not Entered No. of ISAs engaged
1 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 265 265 0 265 0 3
2 Andhra Pradesh 15999 15915 84 15879 120 40
3 Arunachal Pradesh 5133 5116 17 5123 10 159
4 Assam 24487 19510 4977 17956 6531 56
5 Bihar 37308 2263 35045 700 36608 0
6 Chhattisgarh 19656 19626 30 19645 11 98
7 Dadra & Nagar Haveli And Daman & Diu 96 96 0 0 96 0
8 Goa 373 373 0 366 7 0
9 Gujarat 18024 17743 281 17801 223 65
10 Haryana 6600 6481 119 6498 102 8
11 Himachal Pradesh 17633 17245 388 17255 378 38
12 Jammu & Kashmir 6154 5512 642 5169 985 11
13 Jharkhand 29398 28735 663 29174 224 35
14 Karnataka 26592 25553 1039 26093 499 62
15 Kerala 1435 1409 26 1410 25 31
16 Ladakh 240 235 5 235 5 2
17 Lakshadweep 10 10 0 10 0 0
18 Madhya Pradesh 51154 44182 6972 44173 6981 239
19 Maharashtra 40297 40174 123 40193 104 182
20 Manipur 2556 2549 7 2549 7 21
21 Meghalaya 6457 6443 14 6445 12 4
22 Mizoram 637 636 1 636 1 5
23 Nagaland 1425 1402 23 1412 13 23
24 Odisha 46531 45585 946 44940 1591 6
25 Puducherry 91 90 1 90 1 0
26 Punjab 11977 11830 147 11877 100 4
27 Rajasthan 42327 41896 431 41886 441 33
28 Sikkim 400 391 9 394 6 7
29 Tamil Nadu 11792 11558 234 11558 234 12524
30 Telangana 9693 6612 3081 0 9693 0
31 Tripura 765 727 38 727 38 6
32 Uttar Pradesh 97073 96162 911 96688 385 163
33 Uttarakhand 14985 14866 119 14863 122 179
34 West Bengal 38268 38125 143 37993 275 20
Total 585831 529315 56516 520003 65828 14024

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