Jal Jeevan Survekshan 2023

JJS:2023- from October 2022 to March 2024

Result for March 2023
[ Top 3 districts in each category ]

Click here to view ranking list

Category of District
Best performing districts
Fastest moving districts within categories

Front Runners (0)

Tap connection coverage (100%)


High Achievers (0)

Tap connection coverage (75-100%)

(-0) Districts graduated end of this category during the month

Achievers (0)

Tap connection coverage (50-75%)

(-0) Districts graduated end of this category during the month

Performers (0)

Tap connection coverage (25-50%)

(-0) Districts graduated end of this category during the month

Aspirants (0)

Tap connection coverage (0-25%)

(+0) Districts graduated in this category during the month
(-0) Districts graduated end of this category during the month


Best performing Aspirational districts within categories

[ Top 3 districts in each category ]

Click here to view ranking list

Category of District
Best performing Aspirational districts
Fastest moving Aspirational districts

Front Runners ()

Tap connection coverage (100%)

High Achievers ()

Tap connection coverage (75-100%)

1st Rank

Achievers ()

Tap connection coverage (50-75%)

1st Rank

Performers ()

Tap connection coverage (25-50%)

1st Rank

Aspirants ()

Tap connection coverage (0-25%)

1st Rank

Front runners

Tap connection coverage (100%)

Number of District in Category
Performing Districts


Tap connection coverage (75-100%)

Number of District in Category
Performing Districts
Fast Moving Districts


Tap connection coverage (50-75%)

Number of District in Category
Performing Districts
Fast Moving Districts


Tap connection coverage (25-50%)

Number of District in Category
Performing Districts
Fast Moving Districts


Tap connection coverage (0-25%)

Number of District in Category
Performing Districts
Fast Moving Districts

Best performing Aspirational districts within categories

[ Top 3 districts in each category ]

Click here to view ranking list

Front runners ()

Tap connection coverage (100%)
Best performing Aspirational districts


Tap connection coverage (75-100%)
Best performing Aspirational districts

Fastest moving districts within categories
1st Rank

achievers ()

Tap connection coverage (50-75%)
Best performing Aspirational districts

Fastest moving districts within categories
1st Rank

Performers ()

Tap connection coverage (25-50%)
Best performing Aspirational districts

Fastest moving districts within categories
1st Rank

Aspirants ()

Tap connection coverage (0-25%)
Best performing Aspirational districts

Fastest moving districts within categories
1st Rank

JJS-2023 Bulletins

national emblem

National Rank in category : /
State Rank in category :
Marks :
Indicator Maximum Marks Obtained Marks
Total number of villages
Total number of households

Remaining households

Target FHTC till this month

Parameters %
Households with tap water connections 0 0 0
Villages having women trained for FTK testing as per norms 0 ()+
Villages having VWSCs 0 ()+
Har Ghar Jal certified villages 0 ()+
Villages where atleast one JJM scheme handed over to VWSCs/ GPs 0 ()+
Villages where human resources is identified and skilled for O&M 0 ()+
Parameters * %
Villages where household tap water sample is tested using FTKs or in labs for all 5 parameters i.e. Residual Chlorine, TDS, Turbidity, pH, Bacteriologically as well as Arsenic & Fluoride in affected areas.(Ref: JJS Toolkit page 13,14,15 & Annex-1 at page-34,35) 0
Villages where PWS source water sample (taken after WTP) is tested using FTKs or in labs for all 5 parameters i.e. Residual Chlorine, TDS, Turbidity, pH, Bacteriologically as well as Arsenic & Fluoride in affected areas.(Ref: JJS Toolkit page 13,14,15 & Annex-1 at page-34,35) 0
  • * Testing of water sample need to be done for a) Pre-monsoon period and b) Post-monsoon period
  • a) Post monsoon (Oct-Dec) testing: 1/3rd of total villages is the target for each month and calculated cumulative.
    1. i. In case, target is achieved before Dec, then default marks of 10 will be given for the period up to March.
    2. ii. In case of remaining villages after Dec., test can be done in remaining villages during next quarter, however it will qualify for 50% marks.
  • b) Pre-monsoon (Apr-June) testing: 1/3rd of total villages is the target for each month and calculated cumulative. In case of remaining villages after June, test can be done in July also, however it will qualify for 50% marks & no marks will be given then after. The marks of July will carry forward till Sept.