Format L5. Village-wise testing details (Lab and FTK)

Format L5. Village-wise testing details (Lab and FTK)

Financial Year: , State: , District: , Block: , Gram panchayat: , Village:

S.No. State Total no. of villages Villages wherein testing done through labs Villages wherein testing done for chemical parameters through labs Villages wherein testing done for bacteriological parameters through labs Villages wherein testing done for chemical parameters using FTK
In No. In %age In No. In %age In No. In %age In No. In %age
1 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 265 57 21.51 57 21.51 19 7.17 2 0.75
2 Andhra Pradesh 15999 15399 96.25 14979 93.62 15116 94.48 12590 78.69
3 Arunachal Pradesh 5133 2884 56.19 2730 53.19 2781 54.18 1404 27.35
4 Assam 24487 22643 92.47 22430 91.60 16938 69.17 20751 84.74
5 Bihar 37308 29157 78.15 29137 78.10 14745 39.52 273 0.73
6 Chhattisgarh 19656 14977 76.20 14176 72.12 10517 53.51 15466 78.68
7 Dadra & Nagar Haveli And Daman & Diu 96 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 14.58
8 Goa 373 373 100.00 373 100.00 373 100.00 0 0
9 Gujarat 18024 9249 51.31 9038 50.14 8432 46.78 16902 93.77
10 Haryana 6600 3588 54.36 3417 51.77 2830 42.88 1163 17.62
11 Himachal Pradesh 17633 16863 95.63 16273 92.29 16799 95.27 13272 75.27
12 Jammu & Kashmir 6153 6081 98.83 6066 98.59 6067 98.60 103 1.67
13 Jharkhand 29398 28638 97.41 28561 97.15 9489 32.28 28184 95.87
14 Karnataka 26592 24681 92.81 23799 89.50 14425 54.25 25813 97.07
15 Kerala 1435 1414 98.54 1397 97.35 1410 98.26 26 1.81
16 Ladakh 240 240 100.00 240 100.00 236 98.33 138 57.50
17 Lakshadweep 10 9 90.00 9 90.00 8 80.00 0 0
18 Madhya Pradesh 51154 48209 94.24 47121 92.12 47562 92.98 36292 70.95
19 Maharashtra 40297 38008 94.32 34174 84.81 36503 90.58 35313 87.63
20 Manipur 2556 2532 99.06 2400 93.90 2530 98.98 788 30.83
21 Meghalaya 6457 5183 80.27 5016 77.68 4665 72.25 2818 43.64
22 Mizoram 637 580 91.05 463 72.68 578 90.74 138 21.66
23 Nagaland 1425 1304 91.51 1301 91.30 1019 71.51 1174 82.39
24 Odisha 46531 42634 91.62 42471 91.27 42535 91.41 18204 39.12
25 Puducherry 91 38 41.76 31 34.07 29 31.87 10 10.99
26 Punjab 11977 11751 98.11 11571 96.61 11658 97.34 11412 95.28
27 Rajasthan 42327 27663 65.36 27608 65.23 24543 57.98 13006 30.73
28 Sikkim 400 289 72.25 289 72.25 270 67.50 359 89.75
29 Tamil Nadu 11792 11777 99.87 11777 99.87 11777 99.87 3416 28.97
30 Telangana 9693 9347 96.43 9314 96.09 8771 90.49 0 0
31 Tripura 765 764 99.87 764 99.87 764 99.87 601 78.56
32 Uttar Pradesh 97074 96829 99.75 89270 91.96 96781 99.70 93551 96.37
33 Uttarakhand 14985 14921 99.57 14909 99.49 14921 99.57 503 3.36
34 West Bengal 38268 37046 96.81 37046 96.81 36993 96.67 4529 11.83
Total 585831 525128 89.638 508207 86.750 462084 78.877 358215 61.146