Format L5. Village-wise testing details (Lab and FTK)

Format L5. Village-wise testing details (Lab and FTK)

Financial Year: , State: , District: , Block: , Gram panchayat: , Village:

S.No. State Total no. of villages Villages wherein testing done through labs Villages wherein testing done for chemical parameters through labs Villages wherein testing done for bacteriological parameters through labs Villages wherein testing done for chemical parameters using FTK
In No. In %age In No. In %age In No. In %age In No. In %age
1 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 265 83 31.32 83 31.32 24 9.06 8 3.02
2 Andhra Pradesh 15999 15728 98.31 15504 96.91 15556 97.23 13613 85.09
3 Arunachal Pradesh 5133 2921 56.91 2763 53.83 2835 55.23 1427 27.80
4 Assam 24487 22916 93.58 22731 92.83 17005 69.45 20825 85.05
5 Bihar 37308 30405 81.50 30385 81.44 15535 41.64 276 0.74
6 Chhattisgarh 19656 16469 83.79 15302 77.85 12418 63.18 15796 80.36
7 Dadra & Nagar Haveli And Daman & Diu 96 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 14.58
8 Goa 373 373 100.00 373 100.00 373 100.00 0 0
9 Gujarat 18024 10261 56.93 9783 54.28 9614 53.34 17056 94.63
10 Haryana 6600 3621 54.86 3442 52.15 3008 45.58 1615 24.47
11 Himachal Pradesh 17633 17141 97.21 16658 94.47 17099 96.97 14083 79.87
12 Jammu & Kashmir 6153 6096 99.07 6083 98.86 6089 98.96 115 1.87
13 Jharkhand 29398 28991 98.62 28919 98.37 9589 32.62 28223 96.00
14 Karnataka 26592 25377 95.43 24601 92.51 16340 61.45 25817 97.09
15 Kerala 1435 1423 99.16 1410 98.26 1422 99.09 26 1.81
16 Ladakh 240 240 100.00 240 100.00 236 98.33 140 58.33
17 Lakshadweep 10 9 90.00 9 90.00 8 80.00 0 0
18 Madhya Pradesh 51154 49218 96.22 48323 94.47 48752 95.30 36385 71.13
19 Maharashtra 40297 39248 97.40 37053 91.95 38608 95.81 35513 88.13
20 Manipur 2556 2536 99.22 2478 96.95 2535 99.18 802 31.38
21 Meghalaya 6457 5272 81.65 5078 78.64 4817 74.60 2994 46.37
22 Mizoram 637 591 92.78 496 77.86 589 92.46 144 22.61
23 Nagaland 1425 1415 99.30 1414 99.23 1189 83.44 1190 83.51
24 Odisha 46531 43616 93.74 43519 93.53 43509 93.51 18233 39.18
25 Puducherry 91 39 42.86 32 35.16 30 32.97 10 10.99
26 Punjab 11977 11784 98.39 11647 97.24 11716 97.82 11891 99.28
27 Rajasthan 42327 28653 67.69 28587 67.54 25623 60.54 13009 30.73
28 Sikkim 400 344 86.00 344 86.00 320 80.00 359 89.75
29 Tamil Nadu 11792 11785 99.94 11785 99.94 11785 99.94 6064 51.42
30 Telangana 9693 9506 98.07 9481 97.81 9151 94.41 0 0
31 Tripura 765 764 99.87 764 99.87 764 99.87 613 80.13
32 Uttar Pradesh 97073 97003 99.93 90162 92.88 96966 99.89 95003 97.87
33 Uttarakhand 14985 14981 99.97 14962 99.85 14981 99.97 507 3.38
34 West Bengal 38268 37199 97.21 37195 97.20 37154 97.09 4901 12.81
Total 585830 536008 91.495 521606 89.037 475640 81.191 366652 62.587