Format L5. Village-wise testing details (Lab and FTK)

Format L5. Village-wise testing details (Lab and FTK)

Financial Year: , State: , District: , Block: , Gram panchayat: , Village:

S.No. State Total no. of villages Villages wherein testing done through labs Villages wherein testing done for chemical parameters through labs Villages wherein testing done for bacteriological parameters through labs Villages wherein testing done for chemical parameters using FTK
In No. In %age In No. In %age In No. In %age In No. In %age
1 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 265 118 44.53 118 44.53 55 20.75 13 4.91
2 Andhra Pradesh 15999 15832 98.96 15712 98.21 15746 98.42 13952 87.21
3 Arunachal Pradesh 5133 3137 61.11 2979 58.04 3065 59.71 1465 28.54
4 Assam 24486 23466 95.83 23378 95.47 17137 69.99 21041 85.93
5 Bihar 37308 31577 84.64 31557 84.59 16509 44.25 277 0.74
6 Chhattisgarh 19656 17870 90.91 16381 83.34 14980 76.21 16166 82.24
7 Dadra & Nagar Haveli And Daman & Diu 96 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 14.58
8 Goa 373 373 100.00 373 100.00 373 100.00 0 0
9 Gujarat 18024 11448 63.52 10394 57.67 10893 60.44 17481 96.99
10 Haryana 6600 3621 54.86 3442 52.15 3008 45.58 2392 36.24
11 Himachal Pradesh 17632 17294 98.08 16783 95.18 17269 97.94 14844 84.19
12 Jammu & Kashmir 6153 6116 99.40 6102 99.17 6110 99.30 115 1.87
13 Jharkhand 29398 29166 99.21 29110 99.02 9639 32.79 28228 96.02
14 Karnataka 26592 25686 96.59 25039 94.16 16520 62.12 25824 97.11
15 Kerala 1435 1426 99.37 1415 98.61 1425 99.30 26 1.81
16 Ladakh 240 240 100.00 240 100.00 236 98.33 143 59.58
17 Lakshadweep 10 9 90.00 9 90.00 8 80.00 0 0
18 Madhya Pradesh 51154 50066 97.87 49529 96.82 49673 97.10 36938 72.21
19 Maharashtra 40297 39558 98.17 37876 93.99 39168 97.20 35729 88.66
20 Manipur 2556 2537 99.26 2504 97.97 2536 99.22 812 31.77
21 Meghalaya 6456 5359 83.01 5160 79.93 4957 76.78 3018 46.75
22 Mizoram 637 595 93.41 521 81.79 592 92.94 145 22.76
23 Nagaland 1425 1419 99.58 1418 99.51 1244 87.30 1214 85.19
24 Odisha 46531 44192 94.97 44112 94.80 44086 94.75 18246 39.21
25 Puducherry 91 39 42.86 32 35.16 30 32.97 10 10.99
26 Punjab 11977 11793 98.46 11659 97.34 11732 97.95 11953 99.80
27 Rajasthan 42327 29972 70.81 29898 70.64 27016 63.83 13016 30.75
28 Sikkim 400 378 94.50 374 93.50 371 92.75 359 89.75
29 Tamil Nadu 11792 11789 99.97 11789 99.97 11789 99.97 8707 73.84
30 Telangana 9693 9651 99.57 9646 99.52 9569 98.72 0 0
31 Tripura 765 764 99.87 764 99.87 764 99.87 636 83.14
32 Uttar Pradesh 97073 97017 99.94 91266 94.02 96983 99.91 96033 98.93
33 Uttarakhand 14985 14982 99.98 14970 99.90 14982 99.98 510 3.40
34 West Bengal 38268 37256 97.36 37254 97.35 37218 97.26 5014 13.10
Total 585827 544746 92.988 531804 90.778 485683 82.906 374321 63.896