Format R1. State-wise Final Ranking/ Progress under Swachh Jal se Suraksha Campaign

S.No. State Testing of water sources (labs or FTK/H2S vials)
(PWS sources in PWS villages and all drinking water sources in Non-PWS villages)
Water testing in Villages
(labs or FTK/H2S vials)
Water testing in Schools for chemical and bacteriological parameters
(labs or FTK/H2S vials)
Water testing in Aanganwadi Centres for chemical and bacteriological parameters
(labs or FTK/H2S vials)
Water testing at household level in villages for chemical and bacteriological parameters
(labs or FTK/H2S vials)
Training for women in villaegs for FTK/ H2S vials use
Remedial measures for contaminated samples
Score out of 700
{(A+C+D+F+G+H)*0.5 +I*2
Total no. of Sources Sources tested for Chemical parameters Sources tested for Bacteriological parameters (Pre-monsoon) Sources tested for Bacteriological parameters (Post-monsoon) Total no. of Villages Villages tested for Chemical parameters Villages tested for Bacteriological parameters
Villages tested for Bacteriological parameters
Total No. of Schools Schools tested Total No. of Aanganwadi centres Aanganwadi centres tested Total no. of villages Villages wherein at least three households have been tested for chemical and bacteriological parameters Total no. of villages villages wherein women trained
[2 or more women in village having population upto 1000; 5 or more women in village having population more than 1000]
Total no. of samples found contaminated Total no. of contaminated Samples for which remedial measures taken
No. %age No. %age No. %age No. %age No. %age No. %age No. %age No. %age No. %age No. %age No. %age
For Pre monsoon: April to June , For post monsoon: October to March