Format L2. Lab testing data  

Water Supply Scheme Source
Delivery Point

Format L2. Lab testing data

Financial Year: , State: , District: , Block: , Gram panchayat: , Village:

S.No. State No. of Samples Submitted online No. of Samples received in labs No. of samples tested in laboratory No. of Samples with inconclusive testing results No. of Samples found contaminated Remedial measures taken
Total Sample submitted online but not received in labs Total Recieved but not tested Total Samples tested for chemical parameters Samples tested for bacteriological parameters Total no. of Samples found contaminated No. of samples with chemical contamination No. of samples with bacteriological contamination Total no. of contaminated samples for which remedial measures taken Total no. of contaminated samples for which remedial measures taken (chemical contamintaion) Total no. of contaminated samples for which remedial measures taken (bacteriological contamination)
1 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 813 22 791 34 757 756 431 3 123 75 80 0 0 0
2 Andhra Pradesh 612667 8253 604414 11035 593379 374182 339166 985 1428 1387 43 1387 1346 43
3 Arunachal Pradesh 20027 1375 18652 882 17770 13750 14080 91 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Assam 227054 3793 223261 3699 219562 208130 109381 1089 3633 3284 503 3443 3097 500
5 Bihar 232288 4093 228195 3382 224813 224638 81432 1095 19017 19015 22 18965 18963 20
6 Chhattisgarh 129991 766 129225 1475 127750 106757 82314 364 631 627 7 347 345 2
7 Dadra & Nagar Haveli And Daman & Diu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 Goa 12087 519 11568 627 10941 10937 10872 88 19 19 0 19 19 0
9 Gujarat 62844 641 62203 645 61558 38199 29824 174 4479 4220 259 1776 1726 50
10 Haryana 52895 637 52258 0 52258 10450 41807 0 1607 259 1348 626 3 614
11 Himachal Pradesh 213840 452 213388 1434 211954 116112 154015 687 21 16 8 15 13 4
12 Jammu & Kashmir 236818 5637 231181 2728 228453 186924 191305 479 72 49 39 70 47 39
13 Jharkhand 191380 1653 189727 1404 188323 184359 42995 636 20 17 3 19 16 3
14 Karnataka 296984 5782 291202 7059 284143 235725 107431 623 17290 14998 2343 15430 14435 1046
15 Kerala 622858 10100 612758 7924 604834 212453 408616 6392 52884 11987 43735 51691 11785 42735
16 Ladakh 9860 19 9841 162 9679 5743 7431 119 100 93 7 65 65 0
17 Lakshadweep 7149 100 7049 231 6818 6656 1021 58 182 69 114 108 1 108
18 Madhya Pradesh 486470 4139 482331 4665 477666 449929 447140 854 700 583 133 630 520 126
19 Maharashtra 649684 125815 523869 6985 516884 175897 357740 10521 35421 20978 14633 29229 15527 13871
20 Manipur 18393 108 18285 221 18064 16446 17211 11 0 0 0 0 0 0
21 Meghalaya 37620 668 36952 370 36582 29808 28537 87 237 85 173 211 79 153
22 Mizoram 18176 148 18028 154 17874 6535 12075 191 995 98 897 970 80 890
23 Nagaland 5652 95 5557 27 5530 5178 3256 16 25 20 5 25 20 5
24 Odisha 254149 3186 250963 1734 249229 236784 237707 459 3770 3751 34 2703 2684 34
25 Puducherry 323 2 321 52 269 146 134 1 39 22 17 0 0 0
26 Punjab 63659 556 63103 809 62294 31502 41860 22 535 535 0 29 29 0
27 Rajasthan 171814 9489 162325 5028 157297 153610 131683 1618 11980 11940 48 2549 2510 43
28 Sikkim 14101 2934 11167 1317 9850 8385 8264 3 3123 87 3116 516 75 512
29 Tamil Nadu 833607 1488 832119 2102 830017 820240 829937 713 39 37 2 38 36 2
30 Telangana 249325 1597 247728 1976 245752 213465 57581 335 3 3 0 3 3 0
31 Tripura 78280 895 77385 243 77142 59151 73266 213 431 405 26 424 404 20
32 Uttar Pradesh 923638 4408 919230 3499 915731 646094 772695 2952 2675 1446 1352 2275 1162 1223
33 Uttarakhand 114109 1760 112349 944 111405 94110 110973 8 79 47 34 76 46 32
34 West Bengal 573832 7 573825 0 573825 547390 547235 0 138083 111050 43739 64084 50061 14380
Total 7422387 201137 7221250 72847 7148403 5430441 5299415 30887 299641 207202 112720 197723 125097 76455