Format L2. Lab testing data  

Water Supply Scheme Source
Delivery Point

Format L2. Lab testing data

Financial Year: , State: , District: , Block: , Gram panchayat: , Village:

S.No. State No. of Samples Submitted online No. of Samples received in labs No. of samples tested in laboratory No. of Samples with inconclusive testing results No. of Samples found contaminated Remedial measures taken
Total Sample submitted online but not received in labs Total Recieved but not tested Total Samples tested for chemical parameters Samples tested for bacteriological parameters Total no. of Samples found contaminated No. of samples with chemical contamination No. of samples with bacteriological contamination Total no. of contaminated samples for which remedial measures taken Total no. of contaminated samples for which remedial measures taken (chemical contamintaion) Total no. of contaminated samples for which remedial measures taken (bacteriological contamination)
1 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 611 13 598 17 581 581 406 3 122 74 80 0 0 0
2 Andhra Pradesh 502982 7644 495338 8538 486800 311159 278220 815 1381 1340 43 1351 1310 43
3 Arunachal Pradesh 18006 1289 16717 783 15934 12308 12591 75 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Assam 202986 3897 199089 4023 195066 183835 101958 864 2932 2637 436 2565 2312 392
5 Bihar 199477 3598 195879 3065 192814 192640 73648 1015 18906 18904 22 3383 3383 1
6 Chhattisgarh 110206 658 109548 2037 107511 94232 66316 286 609 606 6 44 43 1
7 Dadra & Nagar Haveli And Daman & Diu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 Goa 10707 496 10211 522 9689 9685 9620 80 19 19 0 19 19 0
9 Gujarat 52484 768 51716 611 51105 32508 23986 141 4037 3784 253 1391 1342 49
10 Haryana 44019 6 44013 0 44013 9997 34015 0 1110 223 887 0 0 0
11 Himachal Pradesh 188807 1030 187777 1073 186704 104309 133788 441 21 16 8 8 6 3
12 Jammu & Kashmir 198336 4596 193740 3422 190318 160038 159416 435 67 45 38 66 44 38
13 Jharkhand 168333 2257 166076 1059 165017 161104 40418 35 20 17 3 19 16 3
14 Karnataka 263008 9200 253808 8522 245286 208220 89482 545 14770 13496 1325 14086 13224 913
15 Kerala 532753 13261 519492 7929 511563 181434 343216 5397 50800 11582 42008 33014 6416 27820
16 Ladakh 9398 49 9349 153 9196 5364 7015 117 100 93 7 0 0 0
17 Lakshadweep 6144 82 6062 157 5905 5828 632 50 102 69 34 8 0 8
18 Madhya Pradesh 432799 3208 429591 4438 425153 401021 398758 826 658 551 123 600 498 118
19 Maharashtra 567480 127188 440292 8815 431477 147787 297913 9060 29133 16159 13150 15335 5900 9511
20 Manipur 16701 202 16499 276 16223 14732 15520 12 0 0 0 0 0 0
21 Meghalaya 34244 683 33561 417 33144 27926 26090 53 218 76 162 183 65 136
22 Mizoram 16334 78 16256 176 16080 5853 10895 186 912 98 814 680 59 621
23 Nagaland 4728 72 4656 14 4642 4377 2522 15 25 20 5 2 2 0
24 Odisha 226380 2364 224016 1659 222357 210278 212208 428 3450 3431 34 2184 2165 34
25 Puducherry 323 12 311 52 259 136 124 1 39 22 17 0 0 0
26 Punjab 60504 813 59691 704 58987 29040 40361 17 365 365 0 25 25 0
27 Rajasthan 159713 8595 151118 3384 147734 144198 124201 1396 11331 11291 48 1016 977 43
28 Sikkim 10565 3973 6592 470 6122 6097 5000 0 2495 84 2491 0 0 0
29 Tamil Nadu 763030 1279 761751 2299 759452 750666 759381 603 31 29 2 31 29 2
30 Telangana 220847 1230 219617 2203 217414 188491 50869 313 3 3 0 0 0 0
31 Tripura 69085 174 68911 199 68712 56053 64886 177 396 396 0 392 392 0
32 Uttar Pradesh 863548 4869 858679 4095 854584 611028 719182 2825 2501 1342 1280 2010 1022 1095
33 Uttarakhand 99619 1871 97748 881 96867 82902 96624 4 76 46 32 76 46 32
34 West Bengal 454949 0 454949 0 454949 454801 445616 0 172237 94133 109992 76253 42266 39675
Total 6509106 205455 6303651 71993 6231658 4808628 4644877 26215 318866 180951 173300 154741 81561 80538