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FORMAT 6 - Water Quality Testing with FTKs
Financial Year:-2018-2019 State:-All State
S.No. State No. of Tube Well, Hand pump, Well etc. Sources as on (11/11/2024) No. of PWS Sources as on (11/11/2024) No. of Public StandPosts as on (11/11/2024) Other Sources as on (11/11/2024) No. of Sources to be Tested FTK Procurred and Distributed (Cummulative) No. of grass root level workers to be trained (Cummulative) Target No. of water samples to be tested with FTK Achieved No. of water samples tested with FTK
Target Chemical Kits Target Bact Kits Acheived Chemical Kits in Current Financial-Year Acheived Chemical Kits till date Acheived Bact Kits in Current Financial-Year Acheived Bact Kits till date RFD Target Ach till date Bacteriological Chemical Total as per guidline RFD Target In Current Financial Year Till date
Total 6150393 1169731 1819235 5717616 14823932 265161 29647864 22998 514480 1684728 120339983 0 156012 29647864 14823932 44471796 0 1131408 19800665
1 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 115 314 504 240 1173 75 2346 0 54 0 0 0 0 2346 1173 3519 0 0 1
2 Andhra Pradesh 242478 145673 122439 10515 519242 13299 1038484 0 28388 15702 2110220 0 2105 1038484 519242 1557726 0 125 1839734
3 Arunachal Pradesh 975 8080 13895 11578 33464 1816 66928 294 8193 9220 1333167 0 460 66928 33464 100392 0 22689 235342
4 Assam 171326 18393 86412 384956 661012 2691 1322024 1279 8251 25081 419689 0 0 1322024 661012 1983036 0 60271 526911
5 Bihar 399505 48403 14743 1741 464168 8386 928336 0 7878 0 1158296 0 0 928336 464168 1392504 0 18 54267
6 Chandigarh 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 Chhattisgarh 234918 15171 21813 27364 298277 11640 596554 2869 35583 1325349 2260802 0 653 596554 298277 894831 0 290095 2847322
8 Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 Delhi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 Goa 0 179 181 4 361 191 722 0 31 0 155 0 0 722 361 1083 0 0 0
11 Gujarat 10378 83024 113529 639305 845915 13931 1691830 0 23398 0 1908084 0 12040 1691830 845915 2537745 0 1857 948913
12 Haryana 166 21009 30020 11992 62987 6179 125974 91 4364 20958 369209 0 60157 125974 62987 188961 0 29506 253604
13 Himachal Pradesh 19293 23404 105032 8432 156016 3240 312032 1426 13540 28621 269163 0 13019 312032 156016 468048 0 83731 515056
14 Jammu & Kashmir 7841 7127 23166 8885 47006 4038 94012 0 6887 0 7037 0 0 94012 47006 141018 0 0 20711
15 Jharkhand 421844 25813 39613 45400 522021 4399 1044042 134 4073 12534 332206 0 20 1044042 522021 1566063 0 29233 274867
16 Karnataka 112610 229373 300576 305235 942893 6019 1885786 622 53535 0 280764 0 238 1885786 942893 2828679 0 74421 1470024
17 Kerala 405 6031 32348 944824 983607 941 1967214 67 7529 880 82497 0 60 1967214 983607 2950821 0 33535 438149
18 Lakshadweep 0 0 0 1 1 9 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 3 0 0 0
19 Ladakh 922 947 1469 2 3340 191 6680 0 543 0 526 0 0 6680 3340 10020 0 0 0
20 Madhya Pradesh 662124 29192 30978 25484 746535 22813 1493070 2746 36975 111726 2897193 0 4133 1493070 746535 2239605 0 230871 2841143
21 Maharashtra 74689 73802 120590 327845 596403 27862 1192806 0 33283 0 2170975 0 50483 1192806 596403 1789209 0 0 495946
22 Manipur 206 6178 7897 2805 16640 2245 33280 92 1757 0 3048 0 1196 33280 16640 49920 0 2641 16750
23 Meghalaya 6102 6967 25174 3088 41242 6415 82484 409 2436 40700 228909 0 3671 82484 41242 123726 0 34341 138175
24 Mizoram 58 1995 4075 4451 10173 692 20346 0 511 0 6155 0 0 20346 10173 30519 0 0 0
25 Nagaland 11 3510 6334 19877 29713 1502 59426 0 0 0 0 0 0 59426 29713 89139 0 0 57069
26 Odisha 480556 35439 51881 412613 976470 6798 1952940 0 11487 100 1297743 0 0 1952940 976470 2929410 0 542 862328
27 Puducherry 148 487 450 19 1073 108 2146 0 20 0 8750 0 0 2146 1073 3219 0 0 0
28 Punjab 2741 10802 20126 12255 45247 11713 90494 60 13809 124 116261 0 5 90494 45247 135741 0 12907 241236
29 Rajasthan 149839 32913 69944 1120680 1373188 11325 2746376 0 14558 0 708601 0 0 2746376 1373188 4119564 0 0 646511
30 Sikkim 4 3721 3216 6513 13454 185 26908 48 390 4600 24624 0 52 26908 13454 40362 0 82 4139
31 Tamil Nadu 173759 138435 207441 2045 519399 12525 1038798 0 32248 0 90514865 0 7720 1038798 519399 1558197 0 0 1587820
32 Telangana 163137 116353 75644 14463 369456 12755 738912 12861 38940 89133 1803918 0 0 738912 369456 1108368 0 214593 2373126
33 Tripura 18021 7559 54422 2775 80530 1178 161060 0 2954 0 186095 0 0 161060 80530 241590 0 9914 219677
34 Uttar Pradesh 2440369 29209 88226 27107 2584688 58811 5169376 0 96053 0 9596065 0 0 5169376 2584688 7754064 0 36 710319
35 Uttarakhand 2739 27711 59592 11711 101744 7812 203488 0 19338 0 111200 0 0 203488 101744 305232 0 0 85085
36 West Bengal 353114 12517 87505 1323411 1776494 3349 3552988 0 7474 0 133766 0 0 3552988 1776494 5329482 0 0 96440
Total 6150393 1169731 1819235 5717616 14823932 265161 29647864 22998 514480 1684728 120339983 0 156012 29647864 14823932 44471796 0 1131408 19800665
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