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Format B26 - List Of Schemes
State:-All State
S.No. State Ground Water Based Schemes Surface Water Based Schemes Others **
PWS H.P / Borewell / Tubewell & other spot sources Other * PWS H.P / Borewell / Tubewell & other spot sources Other * PWS H.P / Borewell / Tubewell & other spot sources Other *
Number of Schemes Number of Habs Covered Number of Schemes Number of Habs Covered Number of Schemes Number of Habs Covered Number of Schemes Number of Habs Covered Number of Schemes Number of Habs Covered Number of Schemes Number of Habs Covered Number of Schemes Number of Habs Covered Number of Schemes Number of Habs Covered Number of Schemes Number of Habs Covered
Total 856286 555084 5382253 1301992 112635 73986 118180 299323 9463 7136 5084 6677 19768 24726 16806 8770 1258 1174
1 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 71 63 110 9 0 0 202 221 0 0 3 5 0 0 5 5 0 0
2 Andhra Pradesh 88672 35261 242040 41357 7096 4007 7224 13435 321 280 698 848 5933 3924 40 36 501 374
3 Arunachal Pradesh 671 507 679 451 2 2 8303 4549 115 111 133 134 511 492 6 6 0 0
4 Assam 8146 27690 132418 63085 1074 1960 2688 9512 106 107 478 268 52 138 414 379 1 1
5 Bihar 3986 7474 134433 111679 112 104 16 343 7 5 0 0 4 13 286 199 0 0
6 Chhattisgarh 11598 15117 227060 74867 22880 14479 40 572 56 54 0 0 7 12 688 659 2 2
7 Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 Goa 95 79 0 0 0 0 32 74 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 Gujarat 72329 29979 9517 7123 333 303 10014 17158 278 260 231 323 544 486 32 31 0 0
10 Haryana 9115 7171 56 101 416 867 4222 3430 36 34 481 493 855 929 0 0 455 480
11 Himachal Pradesh 3003 12995 18069 8921 26 271 11261 43044 320 351 30 78 245 1601 16 12 1 2
12 Jammu & Kashmir 1590 5608 6963 3732 43 43 3355 11827 2 2 25 29 7 37 0 0 0 0
13 Jharkhand 11783 13049 399496 119016 5984 4968 581 6739 203 201 4 23 9 21 796 597 0 0
14 Karnataka 260878 47839 88315 31326 51496 25292 6107 11841 786 645 1099 812 633 642 246 309 67 54
15 Kerala 1976 10532 361 332 11 11 2125 16919 68 61 7 9 90 736 40 33 1 6
16 Lakshadweep 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 Madhya Pradesh 22306 22224 612660 128747 611 558 120 2193 202 177 80 97 92 87 592 491 105 104
18 Maharashtra 56389 57361 71141 48820 177 188 7919 17395 250 281 54 59 393 499 62 54 22 22
19 Manipur 159 173 142 166 0 0 4326 2621 6 6 129 139 58 95 0 0 0 0
20 Meghalaya 278 631 4995 2767 3 3 5643 6065 1133 979 10 19 468 407 506 431 0 0
21 Mizoram 28 28 4 4 2 2 812 782 29 29 38 39 93 93 53 53 3 3
22 Nagaland 623 264 2 2 8 12 3354 1327 0 0 9 9 161 106 8 8 0 0
23 Odisha 21992 37873 479315 149336 1916 2087 1490 4472 311 278 65 149 71 89 47 45 1 8
24 Puducherry 191 215 147 96 11 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
25 Punjab 8640 12401 2852 2828 2659 2719 913 1901 2 2 824 1005 19 36 6 6 9 9
26 Rajasthan 12766 16586 86145 67100 747 1558 6441 34800 1150 1921 14 37 1929 2006 2691 3012 16 42
27 Sikkim 4 4 1 1 1 1 3306 2118 3 3 419 383 0 0 0 0 0 0
28 Tamil Nadu 160492 94409 179835 68216 102 96 8812 23045 207 201 2 2 300 580 5098 1674 0 0
29 Telangana 79546 21434 180666 24301 15188 7474 1579 9433 2489 410 108 921 4690 3312 2 2 11 7
30 Tripura 6710 7082 17504 6893 17 37 73 376 192 134 0 0 19 19 52 43 0 0
31 Uttar Pradesh 8347 25509 2266411 258991 1020 1980 42 213 987 396 2 1 0 0 5078 587 56 53
32 Uttarakhand 1407 2922 949 1925 23 16 16819 31671 107 108 36 28 2581 8308 4 4 0 0
33 West Bengal 2495 42604 219967 79800 677 4937 361 21247 97 100 104 766 4 58 38 94 7 7
Total 856286 555084 5382253 1301992 112635 73986 118180 299323 9463 7136 5084 6677 19768 24726 16806 8770 1258 1174
Note : * other than PWS and Spot source schemes.            ** Other than Ground Water and Surface Water source schemes.
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